About US

About US
visit us at www.mrits.ac.in




  1. All the abstracts should be in IEEE format
  2. Please do carry your college ID cards
  3. If you are CSI member please carry your CSI ID card
  4. Submit your abstract on or before 06-03-2014.
  5. Mail all you abstract at: csi@mrits.ac.in
  6. Soft copy and Hard copy should be Submitted,You can carry pen drives too.
  7. 8 Min for presentation and 2 Min for queries.
  8. Please add your team mates passport photo along with your abstracts mail sending for us.
  9. You will be put on a mailing list as soon as you register and will be informed of all the latest updates regarding Paper and  Poster Presentation.

     Abstract Format:-

  1. The abstract has to be mailed in PDF format.
  2. The subject of mail should be: poster - presentation.
  3. The Abstract should not exceed 500 words (along with bibliography).
  4. The front page of the abstract should consist of team member names, contact no., e-mail ids and college name at the bottom of page and the title of paper at the top of page.
  5. Selected participants will be sent a E-Pass to their mail id and should carry print out of that mail during the day of the event, else your are not allowed for event.
        RULES AND REGULATIONS  for Posters Presentation:-   

  1. The abstract should not exceed 500 words.
  2. Short listing will be done based on the abstract.
  3. Selected candidates have to present their idea on a poster.
  4. All relevant data and figures must be represented on the poster.
  5. Organizers & Judges decision will be final and binding.
  6. Team of maximum 2 members is allowed.
  7. All results will be announced on the event day evening.
  8. Any abstract that is selected and is not presented shall not qualify for any award.
        RULES AND REGULATIONS  for Paper Presentation:-   

  1. The abstract should not exceed 500 words.
  2. Short listing will be done based on the abstract.
  3. Selected candidates have to present their through PPT's
  4. All relevant data and figures must be represented on the PPT's.
  5. Organizers & Judges decision will be final and binding.
  6. Team of maximum 2 members is allowed.
  7. All results will be announced on the event day evening.
  8. Any abstract that is selected and is not presented shall not qualify for any award.

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